Bryce Hadsell
Healthcare automation, hobbyist, tabletop/video gamer
Endeavor Health (2013-2014, 2017-Present)
UW Health - Madison (2014-2017)
Northwestern University (2014-2016, MSIS)
Western University (2011-2012, BS)
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (2007-2011)
About Me
I have over 10 years of experience in Healthcare IT, specializing in workflow automation to enhance patient outcomes, improve provider satisfaction, and streamline operations.
My key contributions include:
Streamlining Patient Journeys: I've developed and implemented solutions for efficient patient scheduling, triage, and healthcare navigation. This includes systems for COVID-19 screening and testing.
Advancing Diagnostic Capabilities: I helped design and deploy tools to assist physicians in diagnosing complex neurological conditions. I also helped create a tool to help physicians determine the best antibiotic for certain patients based on empiric evidence.
Pioneering Personalized Medicine: I've played a key role in establisheing a leading pharmacogenomics clinic. Including integrating genetic testing into patient care across clniical specialties.
Beyond my professional work, I value spending time with my family, engaging in hobbies like gaming, and pursuing personal projects to continuously expand my skills and knowledge.
Personal Projects
This website! This is a big testing ground as I learn more about python, and various aspects of programming that I don't get to explore in my normal job. Corvux has been my username for years, so this domain made sense.
Website for the Broken Prophecy D&D 5e server and ProphetBot. Allows login via Discord, displays information to players, and various configuration pages for server administrators depending on their role on the Discord server.
Avrae Combat Planner
GUI tool to help plan combat in Avrae and On the Fly Battlemaps (OTFBM)
Discord bot for Broken Prophecy D&D 5e Server. Logs player transactions and tracks player xp/gold progress. Helps facilitate mini-campaigns, player managed channels, shops, and server moderation.
G0-T0 Resolute
Similar to ProphetBot, this bot has been tweaked, and altered to work within the Star Wars 5E ruleset using their currencies, and helping track characters, ships, classes, and everything unique to this system.
SW5E Things
Avrae collection of Aliases and Snippets to help facilitate playing Star Wars 5E with Avrae bot in Discord, from class features, powers (spells), and monsters.